Forget Billboards, We Have Instagram for that Now.

Although it wasn’t my topic specifically, another technological invention that really struck me during the presentations, was that of social media- specifically Instagram. Instagram was founded in 2010 by two men named Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. On average, there are 80 billion photos shared and 3.5 billion on Instagram every day and a majority of users are between 18 and 29 years old. Along with other social media platforms, Instagram is a huge way in which my generation has connected with people. To a smaller degree, my friends and family enjoy posting what they are up to, and returning the communication with likes and comments. This simply allows people near and far to share their experiences and life-moments with one another from wherever you are located. However, on a much larger degree, Instagram has revolutionized the way businesses market products and services to a target audience. In the realm of social media’s evolution, the idea of “influencers,” and “paid partnerships,” has changed the world of marketing and advertising. Traditional commercials and billboards are of no competition to an Instagram post of a consumer’s favorite model or singer using and raving over a product.

With all of that being said, one of the things that stuck out to me most during the presentation, was when discussing Instagram’s negative effects. As a society, we tend to overlook the things we cannot personally see, however, the false sense of body image and overall lifestyle has lead to increases in young people’s battles with mental health and an almost false sense of reality. While putting your life out for the world to see may seem fun and exciting, that is likely not the best full representation of what actually goes on on a day to day basis. By broadcasting the exhilarating trips one went on, or an expensive gift someone may have received, it is inevitable that someone could feel left out or unworthy. Social media has impacted our society in tremendous ways, it is just important that we take time to recognize that these ways may not always be positive.


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