Your Online Footprint is HOW BIG?

Your Online Footprint is HOW BIG?

As a 19 year old college student, involved both socially and academically in the world of social media, I would without a doubt say I have a fairly large online presence. It is interesting to really take a moment to analyze this question since it is something I am so immersed in daily, yet never really think hard about. To begin, I am on just about every social media platform that is currently active. I am not proud to admit but I would say that covers Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, VSCO, and Pinterest. I do not have a personal website, however I would consider my Instagram to be the closest thing to that. I work to create aesthetic posts that all contribute to an overall brand image for myself. In the near future, I plan to create a lifestyle blog which will become my personal website. I also run social media accounts for 3 different organizations on High Point’s campus including Student Government Association, Dance Marathon at HPU, and OffBeats A Cappella group, which also ultimately contribute to my online footprint. Since I am most interested in photography and editing, I am most involved on Instagram. This is the platform in which I spend the most time on and put the greatest effort into perfecting. I find the other platforms enjoyable to view others posts, however I am definitely the most active on Instagram. On social media, primarily Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, visitors could learn quite a lot about me. I am public on both Instagram and Twitter (I know, I am sorry) and oftentimes share pictures of myself, my friends, and my family. Visitors could tell that I am from Baltimore, Maryland, went to Notre Dame Preparatory School, now attend High Point University,  have two brothers, am in Kappa Delta sorority, have blonde hair, … the more I say the more nervous I am getting! I do not give my phone number or email out to sites, however if I do, I use a gmail account that I have created solely for that reason. Writing this has really made me think about my online footprint and if I should potentially reconsider some of my choices regarding privacy and accessible information about myself.


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