
Showing posts from October, 2019

Forget Billboards, We Have Instagram for that Now.

Image Although it wasn’t my topic specifically, another technological invention that really struck me during the presentations, was that of social media- specifically Instagram. Instagram was founded in 2010 by two men named Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. On average, there are 80 billion photos shared and 3.5 billion on Instagram every day and a majority of users are between 18 and 29 years old. Along with other social media platforms, Instagram is a huge way in which my generation has connected with people. To a smaller degree, my friends and family enjoy posting what they are up to, and returning the communication with likes and comments. This simply allows people near and far to share their experiences and life-moments with one another from wherever you are located. However, on a much larger degree, Instagram has revolutionized the way businesses market products and services to a target audience. In the realm of social media’s evolution, the id

Wait... Computers Haven't Always Weighed 3 Pounds?

Image As a whole, technology has evolved in ways that one point, were likely unimaginable. While at one point technology was just an added asset to the way in which we contacted distant people and relayed information from one source to another, it has now become a crucial element to the way in which we function entirely. In my portion of the technology timeline, I studied the first computer and its impact on today’s society. The very first idea of a computer was formed in 1822 by a man named Charles Babbage. He actually invented all of the parts that are now used for a modern computer. With that being said, it wasn’t until about 120 years later that the first modern computer was actually invented. This computer was invented in the early 1930’s by a man named Konrad Zuse. He created 2 versions calling them Z1 and Z2. Z2 was actually the first electro-mechnical computer in the world, however by our standards today we’d hardly call it

Technology...Helpful or Hurtful?

Image In a video titled “Mad World Remix of Moby Video (Are you Lost in the World Like Me?),” animator Steve Cutts tells a powerful story of our modern-day society and its relationship with technology. In the video, you follow along the journey of a character who is completely taken aback by the way in which society is functioning around him. Everybody is entirely consumed by the device in their hand and lose sight of the world surrounding them. In one shot, there is an open construction hole in the sidewalk and since nobody is looking up from their phone, they all fall right into the hole. The video also shows a couple communicating with one another while sitting right next to each other through the use of emojis and texting, a girl being video taped and posted for dancing “badly” at a party, and a person not even looking up from their phone when the character is jumping in his face and eve

AntiWar Campaign Strikes

Image is a war-opposing project that works actively towards non-interventionism and peace in our current political climate. While following in the footsteps of their parent foundation, Randolph Bourne, has become an international movement that has brought together political parties on opposing sides, and has essentially in itself created a party of simply “pro-American.” As stated on their website, the primary mission of is purely in journalism and surpassing the media that covers the truth regarding America’s foreign policy. They differentiate the information they present between fact and opinion, however are sure to incorporate both. Unfortunately, as to be expected, there is immense difficulty in combating negative perception as well as facing the opposing party which is well-organized, well-financed, and very focused. Although is a truly pro-America party, they are oftentimes considered “anti-American,” and “left-wing.” With that being sa

In Google We Trust... or so we Thought.

As of September 10th, 2019, 48 states had launched investigations over the matter of whether or not Google is violating antitrust laws. For the past decade, Google has essentially led the nation as the master of all mobile operating systems, but to many, this leadership has been taken too far. Although not stated by whom, a quote from the video included in the original CBS story stated, “we like wide-open spaces, but we like competition as well.” One of the most prominent arguments of Attorneys General is the idea of “stomping out rivals,” removing the aspect of healthy competition and instead potentially breaking a law in achieving dominance in the industry. As stated by the lead Attorney General Ken Paxton, “This is a company that dominates all aspects of advertising on the internet, as they dominate the buyer, seller, and auction site.”  This raises concern and discomfort is not only consumers but also a