Technology...Helpful or Hurtful?

In a video titled “Mad World Remix of Moby Video (Are you Lost in the World Like Me?),” animator Steve Cutts tells a powerful story of our modern-day society and its relationship with technology. In the video, you follow along the journey of a character who is completely taken aback by the way in which society is functioning around him. Everybody is entirely consumed by the device in their hand and lose sight of the world surrounding them. In one shot, there is an open construction hole in the sidewalk and since nobody is looking up from their phone, they all fall right into the hole. The video also shows a couple communicating with one another while sitting right next to each other through the use of emojis and texting, a girl being video taped and posted for dancing “badly” at a party, and a person not even looking up from their phone when the character is jumping in his face and even takes off his hat! 

Link to the Original Video

While exaggeration does play a role in the effectiveness of this video, what is incredibly discomforting to many is the unfortunate accuracy of a lot of events that take place. In our society, it is pretty much unheard of for someone to not have a smartphone or at least sort of technological device that allows for communication and access to information anywhere, at any time. Although this has provided immense benefits to our society and the ease in which we communicate with each other, it has also taken away a crucial element to the way in which humans communicate with one another face to face.


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