Wait... Computers Haven't Always Weighed 3 Pounds?


As a whole, technology has evolved in ways that one point, were likely unimaginable. While at one point technology was just an added asset to the way in which we contacted distant people and relayed information from one source to another, it has now become a crucial element to the way in which we function entirely. In my portion of the technology timeline, I studied the first computer and its impact on today’s society. The very first idea of a computer was formed in 1822 by a man named Charles Babbage. He actually invented all of the parts that are now used for a modern computer. With that being said, it wasn’t until about 120 years later that the first modern computer was actually invented. This computer was invented in the early 1930’s by a man named Konrad Zuse. He created 2 versions calling them Z1 and Z2. Z2 was actually the first electro-mechnical computer in the world, however by our standards today we’d hardly call it electronic! It was the size of a large room! With all of this being taken into consideration, as well as many advancements in between, computers we know and use today began being made in 1980. Computers without a doubt have made a tremendous impact on the way we function in society. Nearly every invention, big or small, begins with the use of computers. In practically every career, computers are used whether that be in the field of business, medical science, entertainment, or education. In the medical field, computers have assisted the discovery for cures of illnesses as well as tracked information and data necessary for the procedure. In the same sense, computers have provided an outlet for educators and people receiving education to research information on their own, and complete assignments in a way that is not just hand-written. These are just a few examples of how computers have changed our society tremendously.



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