8 Values of Free Expression

8 Values of Free Expression 

As I was evaluating which of the ‘Eight Values of Free Expression’ is the most important and quite honestly in this case, most underrated, I chose the value of protecting dissent. I found striking similarities in this value and the idea of stable change, however I found that protecting dissent resonated with me more. This concept essentially covers the idea of protecting one’s minority view and right to disagree with the government. I think often times people have a fear of sharing their view when it contradicts with that of the public. This unfortunately just lends itself to suppression of opinion and in turn, an inevitable outbreak. Our society operates in way of a Democracy rather than a Dictatorship so not only is it encouraged, but it is one’s patriotic duty to criticize the government in order to better the nation for everyone. As stable change suggests, if people don’t have an open opportunity to express these opinions, they are significantly more likely to resort to violence. As I stated prior, an inevitable outbreak is likely to occur from minority groups simply due to mob mentality. This principle may not be able to ever completely diminish from societies, however it could be could be greatly lessened if people felt they had the accepted opportunity to disagree. Stable change also suggests that when groups expressing a minority opinion are given the freedom to speak freely, they are able to be better monitored by the government and in turn, able to potentially be prevented from violent actions. I hope that as our society continues to progress further, this idea will become more accepted and better implemented in our nation.



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