Snapchat news show 'Stay Tuned' has joined the party, and is here to stay.

In July of 2017, NBC launched the show, "Stay Tuned," hosted by NBC News and MSNBC correspondents Gadi Schwartz and Savannah Sellers. The show airs twice daily and brings in the latest U.S. and world news, politics, pop culture, weather, and other important current events. The episodes are roughly two minutes long and feature four different news segments that include both studio and field pieces. While the show may appear like a simple one-man production, NBC was sure to keep “Stay Tuned” up to their caliber. The show encompasses a crew of 30+ people, including producers, editors, and writers. The show may only be viewed on snapchat, but it certainly isn’t filmed on snapchat. The focus behind this ground-breaking production was to attract a younger demographic on a platform that would likely appeal to them. “Bigger numbers are fun, but what has changed is this is a net new audience for us....the audience who isn’t consuming us anywhere else, they’re now consuming us on Snapchat, and that’s entirely new for us,” said Nick Ascheim, svp of digital at NBC News and MSNBC. Reports say that roughly 75% of the “Stay Tuned” audience is under 25 years old. Producers of the show anticipate that the young “Stay Tuned” viewers will be expanding their attention onto NBC’s other platforms in the near future.

NBC News got 4 million subscribers in 5 months to its Snapchat show

This summer while on a trip to Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to meet and talk with co-host of the show, Gadi Schwartz. He shared with us his insight on the power that a platform such as Snapchat, a social media site that is oftentimes overlooked, can really have on the media. The opportunity for people to get fast, credible, and easily-understood news from their phone is something that has almost been unheard of in the past. Sure, people can pull up articles on safari or google and read about the most current events, or perhaps stream a nightly news broadcast on an app or device, but the speed and convenience of “Stay Tuned” is groundbreaking. Not only can the show be viewed at any time of day, from any location near or far from a standstill television, but most importantly it is fun and it is exciting. 

Whether I am watching from the waiting room of a doctor's appointment, or before I have even gotten out of bed in the morning, "Stay Tuned," has provided me and many others with current events, up and coming news and all things pop culture. As a loyal subscriber of the show, I look forward to the evolution of the production that has already made such an impact on today's news.


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